Thursday, June 12, 2008

Beautiful Miami Wedding

Wow!  We just shot this cool wedding in Miami, I will post the slideshow shortly!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our 14 City Nation Tour!!!!!

We are proud to announce Landon & Kristi will be touring 14 cities this summer!  This is a seminar for wedding professionals on "How To Reach The High End Bride"  Check out the web site at

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

An Update From Landon & Kristi

Hey guys!  First off we want to give a BIG congratulations to all of our brides.  The past weddings have been a blast!!!!   Just to give you an update; both personal and work.  Kristi and I have been home for about 2 weeks and have played alot of tennis, hiked mountains, got alot of fun shopping done, added new equipment to our bags and are having a great time with "Life" in general!  We are so lucky to be able to do what we do everyday and share it with one another.

We are gearing up for a string of weddings.  Kristi and I are off to St. Maarten and Jamaica!  We are looking forward to the weddings.  Our 14 city national seminar is starting to take off, the web site will launch soon!  Our new personal web site Landon & Kristi Darr will launch soon, we can't wait!  Also we are working on getting an associate photographer trained.  So it's been busy here!

We Love You Guys!!

Landon & Kristi Darr

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Countdown To San Juan, St. Thomas And Grand Turk!

The Launch OF Our New Site COUNT DOWN!

We can't wait until the launch of our new site.  Modern Exposure will still remain however will launch soon.  We will keep you posted!  

Saturday, March 29, 2008


To All Wedding Professionals

A huge undertaking is on the way.  We are planning a 16 city seminar
"How To Reach The High End Bride"
Coming in August 2008

More Information To Come In May!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Veronica P. Bridal Session In Miami BOOKED!

We are off to Miami to shoot the Bridal Session of Veronica P. We are going to have a blast! Photo's will be posted upon return. It's worth the wait!!

2008 High End Wedding Pro Seminar

Shhhhh! We can't say too much! Our wedding professional workshop is in development for this year! We are so excited about this. I want to say so much more, but we can't. More Information to come........

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Beautiful Couple!


We Are Off To Key West!

We are excited about our next shoot! We are off to Miami for a Bridal Setting and then directlyt o Key West For a wedding. Stay tuned; our new web site will launch in March and it is better than ever!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Our Latest Wedding In Jamaica, Sandals Whitehouse

Wedding in Ocho Rios


This is a beautiful shot!

Hey Guys We Are Back!

Sorry that we have been away from blogging for such a while! We have so much going on, more to come. We have shot some really cool weddings that will be posted soon! Also, we are launching a new website at the end of March! Stay tuned!