Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pumpkin Carving Day!

We carved some really cool pumpkins today! You can buy these carving kit's. Check them out.. I carved the Ship, and Kristi carved the Happy Haloween, which took her like 3 Hours.

Trash The Dress!

Check Out these cool Shots

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Last night at the haunted house; Doug Brodey was signing autographs. He is the real Pinhead in all of the movies! Really neat guy, he is from London. We are gonna have so much stuff on our office walls!

Haunted House Time!

Kristi and I met at Halloween time and one of first dates was on Halloween! We have always loved Haunted Houses and we visited one last night. Woods Of Terror. It was Great! This haunted house had a 0% cheezy factor and I actaully got scared quite a few times.

Oh by the way, LOL Kristi just got glasses for night time driving! Finally, maby we wont wreck :) Actually she has never wrecked but can't see signs at night. Here is the First Pic of her with glasses. God. They are sexy!

Our New Logo!

We had a suprise at front door today! We just redesigned our logo and ordered 5,000 business cards. We love them. You will see a big change soon to other things also. When I get time our website will be completly redesigned! Here is a scan of the card!

Details! Details! Details!

Las Vegas! Las Vegas!

We had a great time. Most of our free time was spent visiting all of the Hotels and Casinos. Kristi and I did see the best show ever! The Blue Man Group. We have a wedding coming up in Orlando and we are going to catch another show!

Red Rock Canyon, Las vegas

As you guys know everywhere we go we always find somewhere to have a blast! We wanted to visit the Grand Canyon.. I had no idea it was 5 hours from Las vegas... We found this cool canyon called Red Rock Canyon. The Indians own it and it's beautiful..

More Vegas Wedding Chapels!

Las Vegas! Another Wedding Chapel

Kristi and I have just returned from a wedding in Las Vegas. We had a blast!!! We will post some of the photos soon. There are a million wedding chapel's.

Sorry Its Been A While...

It has been a while since our last blog.... We have been soo busy. New Pics and info to come...